Red Almighty Assimilating POWER

This is an online BURN BOOK of RED HOGAR on whatever..

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Squeaky Flip Flops

The rain started pouring a minute before we alighted for lunch...

Ts around 1030 when it started pouring (Yeah, twas about 11 when we, too, started performing a mass hiatus to the nearby ATM machines and checked if we have already earned the last couple of weeks' pay.)

The hungry mob that we are flooded a ghost-town-replica of this Chinese Resto right at the heart of Ayala Center. Gosh! My tummy turned topsy-turvy for winning the lion's share in food consumption that it left no more room for dessert. This incident reminds me of my past activity on which I was challenged by my large intestine's endurance to hold or not to hold my f*ces. Awww! It was embarassing becoz Im bound to attend an offsite meeting with clients in TEN MINUTES! :'c, of course, I had to portray as if I did not face a battle of my life, aaaawww.. plus the TIGHT HANDSHAKE! Ahahaha! :D

Now, I am back in my office cubicle trying to figure how to get rid of this exorbitant carbo intake that I have incurred in the span of 2 hours. Oh man! Walking in the rain is fun but it stops when you have to do something else right after that and you dont have extra clothes after drying your soaked number. Argh! One more thing, my squeaky flip flops are sticky and muddy. (Kudos to my co-worker who exhibited the exact same color scheme I am wearing right now! GO BABY PINK-APPLE GREEN TEAM! =p

Monday, October 09, 2006

Bamboozled EYE

Now, I am pretty sure that I know why other office people tend to divert humdrum to blogging.

Been trying to keep my eyes open but to my dismay, because of lack of sleep, (* plus the fact that my other eye was luckily intruded by some metallic particles of a home-made firecracker.) this battle is far from my championing. Speaking of the lucky eye, I incurred a teary-swollen-blood-shed right eye after a jerk fired up a flying firecracker in front of our gate. Argh! At least, I managed to go to work today and moved away from nursing an alibi coz of lethargy.

Oh well.. Wonder where the term boredom originated from.. Im sure Adam and Eve deviced the term to justify their pre-marital activities. Haha. On the contrary, mine is not a justification of sloth. It is a real manifestation of lack of things to do while sitting from 10am to infinity. My creative juices dried up and my eyes are following the ticking second-hand of the clock.

Gee.. I miss having quality rest. Headache! Headache! My uber fatigue is getting back at me.. haha. It makes me remember my bed when Im in dire need of one but is not allowed to do so. Haha.

Blogging is my manifestation of boredom.. Boredom from thinking how to get up of the corporate ladder; boredom from listening to my kins' unfathomable pleas for progress (* how can I address this!? Im not the president of the Phils. for sobbing out loud!); boredom from being someone others want me to be. I am eyeing a different view in the beginning.. turns out that I misinterpreted the perspective that I saw.. really got bamboozled. Resorting to accustomed ways, pickin' things up one at a time once more.

I just wanna enjoy life even in its simplicity... but I am sure I can never get contented to what I have right now coz even statistics can never define my insatiable wants. I just wanna be happy, at least... away from stray firecracker pieces, to begin with.